
Friday, 1 December 2017

Stamping Bella Day 2 - New Releases

Yes it's here

Sneaky Peeks!

This is Day 2 and if you haven't see day day 1 I suggest you go and
have a lookie HERE !
Ok so this is my star sign isn't see just GORGEOUS!
I can tell you there's a couple of other star signs I would loooooove to
be to. Now there are 5 Sneeky Peek Days before release so keep checking
back and also don't forget you can win Bella Dollars just by leaving a 
comment on the STAMPING BELLA BLOG!

Ok now you can see I have coloured up the Beautiful
in pretty pinks and limes
Face - E0000, E000, E00, E01, E11, R20
Dress - RV55, RV17, RV19

The Frame is Mama Elephant Madison Avenue.

Also the Beautiful Definition inside sounds just like

Hope you liked this one now pop on over to the 
for the rest of the stunning Zodiac's.


I love reading all your lovely comments and
Especially love visiting you back!
Hugs Jennifer